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Dutta et al., 2002. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 15 (6): 834-837)

Document reference 
Dutta, N.; Sharma, K.; Naulia, U., 2002. Use of undecorticated sunflower cake as a critical protein supplement in sheep and goats fed wheat straw. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 15 (6): 834-837)

The effect of undecorticated sunflower cake (USFC) as critical protein supplement was assessed and compared with deoiled groundnut cake (DGNC) in adult goats and sheep. The animals were fed a basal diet of wheat straw ad libitum and supplemented with either USFC or DGNC to meet their protein requirement for maintenance. Total dry-matter intake by sheep and goats (g/kg BW0.75) on USFC was similar to their counterparts on DGNC supplemented group. However, while intake of cake moiety was significantly (p<0.05) higher in USFC, the intake of wheat straw was significantly (p<0.05) higher by animals on DGNC. Digestibility of various nutrients, except lower crude protein digestibility by goats in USFC group, did not differ significantly between animals given DGNC or  USFC. DCP and TDN concentration (% DM) was comparable in sheep and goats irrespective of dietary supplement. Similarly, the intake (g/kg W0.75) of DCP, DDM, DOM, and TDN was similar between DGNC and USFC in both sheep and goats. It may be concluded that undecorticated sunflower cake is comparable to deoiled groundnut cake as a critical protein supplement to the roughage based diet of small ruminants.

Citation key 
Dutta et al., 2002