Fanimo et al., 2003. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 15 (8)
The nutritive value of dried cashew apple waste (CAW) was investigated in this study. A basal (control) diet was formulated to meet requirements of growing rabbits and three other diets were formulated by substituting 10, 20 and 30% of the basal diet with CAW. Thirty six 6-week old rabbits were fed these diets and growth performance was recorded. Faecal apparent digestibility of nutrients was measured in 12 rabbits. Rabbits fed diets with 20 and 30 % CAW gained weight (P< 0.05) faster than those fed the control diet. Feed efficiency increased with levels of CAW in the diets with rabbits on 30% CAW being most efficient. Crude protein digestibility decreased (P< 0.05) with increased level of CAW. There were no significant differences (P> 0.05) in the blood metabolites except cholesterol level which increased (P< 0.05) with CAW inclusion in the diets. Inclusion of CAW also increased (P< 0.05) the relative weights of kidney, liver and carcass cut parts.