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Akinfala et al., 2002. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 14 (6)

Document reference 
Akinfala, E. O. ; Aderibigbe, A. O. ; Matanmi, O., 2002. Evaluation of the nutritive value of whole cassava plant as replacement for maize in the starter diets for broiler chicken. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 14 (6)

A four-week feeding trail was conducted with 153 one-week old hybro strain of broiler chicks to determine the replacement value of sun-dried whole cassava plant meal  (WCP) for maize.  A control diet, which contained 50% maize as the major energy source was compared with two other diets, in which 25 and 50% of the maize content was replaced with sun-dried whole cassava plant meal (12 5 and 25% WCP in the diet).  The whole cassava plant (WCP) used in these replacements had a ratio (DM basis) of 2.5:1 of tuber to leaves and tender stems, while the ratio of leaves to tender stems was 5:1.   
There were no health problems in the chickens fed even the highest level of whole cassava plant meal, and even though growth rates and feed conversion were impaired  (by 13 and 19% for growth and 14 and 26% for feed conversion, on the 12 5 and 25% cassava plant meal diets, respectively), the use of the whole cassava plant to replace maize could be economical in situations where this feed resource was available at competitive prices.

Citation key 
Akinfala et al., 2002