Imura et al., 2001. In: Gomide, J. A.; Mattos, W. R. S.; Silva, S. C. (Eds). Proceedings of the 19th Int. Grasslands Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil: 784-785
Document reference
Imura, Y. ; Namihira, T. ; Kawamoto, Y., 2001. Fermentation quality of phasey bean and guineagrass silages. In: Gomide, J. A.; Mattos, W. R. S.; Silva, S. C. (Eds). Proceedings of the 19th Int. Grasslands Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil: 784-785
Citation key
Imura et al., 2001