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Larrahondo et al., 1989. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 1 (1)

Document reference 
Larrahondo, J. E. ; Preston, T. R., 1989. Chemical control of inversion of sugarcane juices for animal feeding. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 1 (1)
Alternative title 

Control químico de la inversión de jugos de caña de azúcar para la alimentación animal


A constraint to the use of sugar cane juice in animal feeding is the ease and speed with which it ferments. Sodium metasilicate (Na2SiO3) and two natural sources of benzoic acid - the fresh macerated leaves of "Sauce" (Salix humboldtiana [Mol.Willd]) and "Quereme" (Cavendish quereme [HBK; B and H])-. The "Quereme" at concentrations of 100-200 g/litro preserved the juice for 48h; the sodium metasilicate at 5-7 g/litre was effective for up to 96h.

Citation key 
Larrahondo et al., 1989