Komwihangilo et al., 2001. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 13 (6):
Studies with a farming systems perspective in view were conducted in agro-pastoral areas of semi-arid central Tanzania to investigate feeding values of indigenous browse species as described by goat keepers based on their accumulated knowledge. A significant difference was observed between men and women respondents in relation to the number of trees each gender identified. Seventy-seven percent of male respondents (N = 81) were found to know 11 to 20 tree and shrub species as compared to 44% of female respondents (N = 18) for this range of trees. On the other hand, 56% of female respondents could identify 5 to 10 species compared to 18% for male in this range of trees. However, the number of trees known by respondents was not significantly associated with age of respondents. Fast stomach fill, palatability and promoting growth for kids were some of the most prominent qualities or “advantages” of trees and shrubs. Response of fast stomach fill as observed in trees / shrubs such as Ecborium spp, Faitherbia albida, Allophylus africana and Commifora africana were 78, 72, 63 and 57%, respectively. It was found that less prominent qualities or “disadvantages” included more water intake of animals after feeding and physical characteristics of faeces. Ninety two percent of respondents noted that Dichrostachys cinerea would make animals thirsty. Moreover, it was reported that goats have hard faeces when they eat most of the trees producing pods like Acacia tortilis (64% of respondents) Acacia senegal (57%) and Faitherbia albida (33%). Further studies are still needed for profitable utilization of diverse forage materials.