Ikeda et al., 2000. Grassl. Sci., 44 (2): 143-147
Document reference
Ikeda, T. ; Mitamura, T. ; Miyashita, A., 2000. Development of intensive grazing system utilizing timothy (Phleum pratense L.) pasture. 2. Effects of supplying silage harvested from the spring surplus pasture on a performance of grazing animals in the sward. Grassl. Sci., 44 (2): 143-147
Alternative title
チモシー(Phleum pratense L.) 草地における集約放牧技術の開発 : 2.放牧牛の増体に及ぼす春期余剰草サイレージの併給効果
Citation key
Ikeda et al., 2000