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Kim et al., 2011. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 24 (11): 1560-1568

Document reference 
Kim, Y. I. ; Cho, W. M. ; Hong, S. K. ; Oh, Y. K. ; Kwak, W. S., 2011. Yield, nutrient characteristics, ruminal solubility and degradability of spent mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) substrates for ruminants. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 24 (11): 1560-1568

This study was conducted to evaluate the yield, nutrient characteristics, ruminal solubility, degradability and disappearance of spent mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus) substrates for ruminants. The annual yield of spent Agaricus bisporus substrates was measured to be about 210,000 tons (M/T) in South Korea. The surface soil-removed spent substrates had nutritional characteristics of high crude ash (375 g/kg) and Ca (32 g/kg), medium protein (134 g/kg CP), and high fiber (384 g/kg NDF on a DM basis). Compared with initial mushroom substrates, spent mushroom substrates had twice higher (p<0.0001) CP content and 22.0% lower (p<0.0001) NDF content on an organic matter basis. Compared with raw rice straw, spent rice straw had much higher (p<0.05) predicted ruminal degradabilities and disappearances of DM and CP and a little lower (p<0.05) predicted degradability and disappearance of NDF. In conclusion, the general feed-nutritional value of spent mushroom ( Agaricus bisporus) substrates appeared to improve after cultivation of mushrooms.

Citation key 
Kim et al., 2011