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World cereal use for animal feeding

Broadening Horizons N°3, November 2013

By Harinder Makkar, FAO, Rome

In 2011/12, of the total cereal production (2354.2 million tonnes), 33.7% were used for feed and 45.3% for food.

For 2012/13 the estimated values are: total production 2309.8 million tonnes; feed use 34.4% and food use 46.9%.

In 2011/12, of the total wheat production (701.5 million tonnes), 20.9% were used for feed and 67.2% for food.

For 2012/13 the estimated values are: total production 659.1 million tonnes; feed use  20.2% and food use 72.0% .

In 2011/12, of the total course grain (maize, sorghum, barley, millet, oats and rye) production (1167.5 million tonnes), 54.4% were used for feed and 17.1% for food.

For 2012/13 the estimated values are: total production 1160.7 million tonnes; feed use  55.9% and food use 17.7%.

Source: Food Outlook June 2

013 - FAO: http://www.fao.org/docrep/018/al999e/al999e.pdf

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