Bun Tean et al., 2002. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 14 (1): 1-7
Document reference
Bun Tean ; Keo Sath ; Pok Samkol ; Ly, J., 2002. Utilization by pigs of diets containing Cambodian rubber seed meal. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 14 (1): 1-7
There was no effect of the level of rubber seed meal on feed intake, growth rate and feed conversion. Crude fat digestibility was high and increased linearly with increasing levels of rubber seed meal in the diet. Apparent digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, NDF and crude protein was not influenced by the level of ground rubber seeds in the diet..
Sixteen Large White castrated male and female pigs of 11 kg mean initial weight were allocated at random to four diets in which wheat bran was progressively substituted by 0, 10, 20 and 30% ground whole rubber seed meal (N 1.95, NDF 66.0, fat 21.8% and cyanide 23.4 mg/kg DM). The diets were supplemented with dried whole fresh water fish to contain 19 % crude protein (Nx6.25). Growth and feed conversion were studied over a 6 week period Digestibility was measured by the acid insoluble ash inert marker method when the average weight of the pigs reached 20 kg.
Citation key
Bun Tean et al., 2002