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PAR, 2011. Outcomes of an expert workshop held by FAO and the platform on agrobiodiversity. 14–16 april 2010, Rome, italy

Document reference 
PAR (Plateform for agrobiodiversity research), 2011.
Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture : Contributing to food security and sustainability in a changing world
. Outcomes of an expert workshop held by FAO and the platform on agrobiodiversity. 14–16 april 2010, Rome, italy
Document description 

This book explores the contribution that biodiversity for food and agriculture can make to improving food security and agricultural sustainability and  meeting the challenges of global change, particularly climate change.

Document cover 
PAR, 2011. Outcomes of an expert workshop held by FAO and the platform on agrobiodiversity. 14–16 april 2010, Rome, italy
Citation key 
PAR, 2011
Document category