Aguirre-Hinojosa et al., 2012. Israeli J. Aquac. Bamidgeh, 64: 795-802
Document reference
Aguirre-Hinojosa, E. ; Garza-Aguirre, M. del C. ; Montoya-Olvera, P. P. V. ; Torres-Quiroga, J. O. ; Nieves-Soto, M., 2012. Pigmentary and zootechnical responses of juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) maintained on diets supplemented with xanthophylls of marigold Tagetes erecta flowers. Israeli J. Aquac. Bamidgeh, 64: 795-802
Citation key
Aguirre-Hinojosa et al., 2012