Patricio et al., 2012. In: Holmer, R. ; Linwattana, G. ; Nath, P. ; Keatinge, J. D. H. (Eds.), SEAVEG 2012: High Value Vegetables in Southeast Asia: Production, Supply and Demand. AVRDC-WorldVegetableCenter, 2013
Document reference
Patricio, H. G. ; Palada, M. C. ; Ebert, A.W., 2012. Adaptability and horticultural characterization of Moringa accessions under Central Philippines conditions. In: Holmer, R. ; Linwattana, G. ; Nath, P. ; Keatinge, J. D. H. (Eds.), SEAVEG 2012: High Value Vegetables in Southeast Asia: Production, Supply and Demand. AVRDC-WorldVegetableCenter, 2013
Citation key
Patricio et al., 2012