Swatson et al., 2003. In: Swatson, H.K., Nsahlai, I.V., The potential of free-ranging poultry development in improving the livelihoods and food security of rural households. Proc. 1st Workshop on indigenous poultry development, Pietermaritzburg, South Afr
Document reference
Swatson, H. K. ; Nesamvumi, E. ; Tshovhote, J. ; Ranwedzi, N. E. ; Fourie, C., 2003. Growth patterns and dynamics of indigenous chicken under traditional farming systems. In: Swatson, H.K., Nsahlai, I.V., The potential of free-ranging poultry development in improving the livelihoods and food security of rural households. Proc. 1st Workshop on indigenous poultry development, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, 29-30/10/2003
Citation key
Swatson et al., 2003