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Kajuna et al., 2013. Livest. Res. Rur. Dev., 25 (3): 51

Document reference 
Kajuna, F. F. ; Temba, B. A. ; Mosha, R. D., 2013. Surveillance of aflatoxin B 1 contamination in chicken commercial feeds in Morogoro, Tanzania. Livest. Res. Rur. Dev., 25 (3): 51

Contamination of poultry feeds with mycotoxins is one of the major problems associated with the feeding of poultry. Tanzania as any other tropical country experiences a climatic condition that favours growth of fungi and production of mycotoxins in various animal and human feeds. A cross sectional study was conducted in Morogoro Tanzania to assess the level and extent of aflatoxin contamination in commercial poultry feeds in the area. A total of 340 different feed samples including formulated layers and broilers preparations, maize bran and sunflower seedcake were analysed by using indirect ELISA technique. Random sampling was done from animal feed millers, feed sellers and chicken farms. It was found that 68% (231/340) of all feed samples were contaminated by aflatoxin B1. Minimum contamination frequency was found to be in maize bran 50% while broilers mash had a highest contamination frequency of 91%, and contaminations in sunflower seed cake and layers mash were both 70%. These results gave a significant difference in contamination frequency (p=0.007 at 95% C.I) when broilers mash was compared with the other types of feed. The levels of aflatoxin B1 in the contaminated broilers mash, layers mash, maize bran and sunflower seed cake were 35.8g/kg, 15.1g/kg, 9.4g/kg and 31.6g/kg respectively and 73% of the contaminated feeds (169/231) exceeded the FAO/WHO level of 5g/kg. The results indicates that there is a need to build awareness to the feed processors, sellers and farmers on better way to alleviate occurrence of mycotoxins in animal feeds.

Citation key 
Kajuna et al., 2013