Morais et al., 2004. Rev. Bras. Cienc. Vet., 11(3): 163-166
Influencia do farelo da amendoa da castanha-de-caju, utilizado na dieta de caprinos, sobre a oxidacao dos lipidios da carne embalada a vacuo e estocada sob congelamento
A total of 24 male goats, with ages between five and six months, were separated into two groups, intact and castrated, and submitted to two diets, one using a standard ration and the other including cashew-nut bran (CNB), to observe the effect of this natural product to prevent the lipid oxidation of goat meat packed in vacuum and frozen stored for three and six months in -18degreesC. Four groups were formed: intact without cashew nut bran (IWC); castrated without cashew nut bran (CWC); intact using cashew nut bran (IUC); and castrated using cashew nut bran (CUC). The oxidation was expressed in terms of mg malonaldehyde/kg meat, measuring the content of reactive substances to thyobarbituric acid (TBARS). In the third month no difference ( P>0.05) were observed among the treatments. In the sixth month the production of malonaldehyde was significantly lower ( P<0.05) among the animals which consumed cashew nut bran, where IUC and CUC had 0.78 and 0.87 mg of MAD/kg meat, respectively. The values were higher between the animals that did not consumed CNB (IWC and CWC had 2.22 and 1.57 mg of MDA/kg meat). These results demonstrated that CNB can reduce the meat oxidation process during long time frozen storage