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Rodrigues et al., 2003. Rev. Bras. Zootec., 23 (1): 240-248

Document reference 
Rodrigues, M. de M. ; Neiva, J. N. M. ; Vasconcelos, V. R. de ; Lobo, R. N .B. ; Pimentel, J. C. M. ; Moura, A. de A. A. N, 2003. Levels of cashew nuts meal in diets for feedlot sheep. Rev. Bras. Zootec., 23 (1): 240-248
Alternative title 

Utilizacao do farelo de castanha de caju na terminacao de ovinos em confinamento


A study was conducted to evaluate the use of cashew nuts meal (CNM) in diets for sheep, raised in feedlot. Thirty two crossbred animals received concentrates with the same amount of crude protein, but four different levels of CNM (0, 12, 24 and 36%). A factorial 4 x 2 was used, with four levels of CNM and 2 sexes, with four repetitions. Daily weight gain and feed conversion as well as intake of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), neutral detergent fiber(NDF) and ashes were determined by analysis of variance, Duncan statistical test and regression analysis. Intake was estimated as g/animal/day, percentage of body weight (%BW) and g/BW0.75. There were differences in intake of DM, CP and EE when animals were fed concentrates with 0 and 36% of CNM. Also, intake of DM, CP and NDF tended to decrease as the levels of CNM increased in the diet. EE intake increased according to the different CNM levels. The type of diet did not significantly affect either weight gain or feed conversion. Therefore, cashew nut meal can be included up to 24% in the concentrate, but the total diets should not have more than 6% of fat

Citation key 
Rodrigues et al., 2003