Tiamiyu et al., 2013. Livest. Res. Rural Devel., 25 (5): Article 76
Fingerlings of Clarias gariepinus stocked at 15 fish per hapas were fed five diets with substituted levels of groundnut cake meal (GCM) and cotton seed meal (CSM) (CS100, CS75, CS50%, CS25 and CS00) for 8 weeks. The study reveals the best substituted levels for these feed ingredients to be GCM 50%: 50% CSM (CS50) as the final weight, growth rate, feed conversion and efficiency of feed utilization were better compared to the other substituted levels. This is probably as a result of augmented deficient amino acids in the combination at a level where the individual anti-nutritional factor in both ingredient is tolerable. Therefore, to ensure better feed utilization in Clarias gariepinus, groundnut cake meal and cotton seed meal should be included at 15% level each.