Garcia et al., 1991. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 3 (1): 41-46
An experiment was carried out with 24 pigs over the weight range 20 to 100 kg to determine effect on productive parameters of partially replacing sorghum grain and soya bean meal with 0, 5, 10 and 15% distillers waste (vinaza). Growth rates were in the range 396-482, 506-601 and 678-773 g/day for the weight ranges 20-35, 35-60 and 60-100 kg, and did not differ between treatments. There were no differences in feed intake or feed conversion due to treatment. The distilling wastes were cheaper than the sorghum grain thus there were cost advantages from using them to which should be added the environmental benefit of reduced pollution, since in the majority of distilleries in Latin-america, these wastes are discharged untreated into rivers.