Kabatange et al., 1991. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 3 (2): 19-22
The nylon bag technique was used to study the rumen degradation characteristics of maize stover in Zebu steers as influenced by the rumen environment. The treatments were: chopped maize stover fed alone (MS); plus 2 (L2) or 3 (L3) kg/d of leucaena hay; plus 2kg/d of leucaena hay and 1 kg/d maize bran (L2MB); and a control treatment (C) where the steers grazed on standing hay. A vitamin-mineral mixture was dissolved in drinking water and supplied free choice on all treatments. Rate of degradation of maize stover was improved with all levels of leucaena hay supplement. After 24 hours incubation, more than 75% of the degradable fraction had been fermented in the supplemented diets while only about 50% was degraded in the control diet. This implied faster rate of passage and hence more feed intake.