Fadiyimu et al., 2011. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 23, Article #256
Eight WAD sheep with average initial weight of 14.8 kg were used in a completely randomized design experiment to determine the acceptability of Moringa oleifera and seven selected browse plants. Proximate composition of the selected browse plants varied widely. Crude protein content was highest for L. leucocephala (31.2%) followed by M. oleifera (29.7%) and was least in Spondia mombin and Aspilia africana (17.1%). Tannin content was lowest for A. africana (0.84 %) closely followed by M. oleifera (1.02 %) which also had the least phytate content (2.6 %). M. oleifera was ranked first in relative preference by WAD sheep followed by A. africana, G. sepium and L. leucocephala in that order. C. siamea was least preferred by the animals. DM and phytate contents had significant negative correlations with preference.