Onyema et al., 2010. In: Babaola, F. (Ed), Biodiverstity, development and poverty Alleviation, Proc. Nigeria Trop. Biol. Assoc. (NTBA) Held at University of Ibadan, Nigeria August 26, 2010
Document reference
Onyema, M. C.; Nzegbule, E. C.; Akachuku, C. O., 2010. Effect of organic manure application on the leaf production, height growth and stem girth enlargement in a tropical vine (Cissus striata), Abia state Nigeria. In: Babaola, F. (Ed), Biodiverstity, development and poverty Alleviation, Proc. Nigeria Trop. Biol. Assoc. (NTBA) Held at University of Ibadan, Nigeria August 26, 2010
Citation key
Onyema et al., 2010