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Molina-Flores et al., 2020. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Accra, 2020

Document reference 
Molina-Flores, B.; Manzano-Baena, P.; Coulibaly, M. D., 2020. The role of livestock in food security, poverty reduction and wealth creation in West Africa. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Accra, 2020
Document description 

Livestock is key to 377 million people in West Africa and in some countries, up to 60% of the population is involved in livestock production. The demand for animal products is increasing with population growth, urbanization, growing middle class, and due to shifting consumer preferences towards animal products. To meet this growing demand, countries in West Africa must engage in accelerated sustainable livestock production undertaking. Livestock development is key to eradicate hunger and poverty. This book attempts to provide up-to-date, and reliable information on the potentials, opportunities, and challenges of the livestock subsector in West Africa. 

Document cover 
The role of livestock in food security, poverty reduction and wealth creation in West Africa
Citation key 
Molina-Flores et al., 2020
Document category