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Anita et al., 2009. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 25 (1): 67

Document reference 
Anita, D. D. ; Sriddar, K. R. ; Bhat, R., 2009. Diversity of fungi associated with mangrove legume Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.) W. Wight (Fabaceae). Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 25 (1): 67

Sesbania bispinosa is one of the naturally growing seasonal wild legumes in coastal habitats of southwest India having high potential as cover crop, mulch, green manure and forage for livestock.  Fungal assemblage and diversity in surface sterilized and unsterilized tissues (root, stem, leaf, pod and seed) of Sesbania bispinosa growing in the mangrove habitat of River Nethravathi, Southwest coast of India has been investigated.

The surface sterilized tissues yielded 25 endophytic fungi with a highest of 14 species in roots. Aspergillus niger was the most dominant endophytic fungus in all tissues (mean: 32.6%). Among the three endophytic fungi confined to roots, Dactylospora haliotrepha was a typical mangrove fungus. Four endophytic Aspergillus spp. were confined only to seeds. The endophytic fungal diversity was highest in roots than other tissues. The similarity of endophytic fungi ranged between 16% (roots vs. pods) and 72% (stem vs. pods). Among the 40 fungi recorded in unsterilized tissues, a highest of 22 species was associated with leaves. Fusarium oxysporum was the most dominant fungus in all tissues (mean: 65.8%). About 50% of the fungi restricted to any one of the unsterilized tissues. The Simpson diversity was highest in roots, while Shannon in leaves. The fungal similarities were ranged between 12% (pods vs. seeds) and 44% (roots vs. stem, stem vs. pods). A mangrove fungus, Kallichroma tethys has been isolated from unsterilized stem, leaves and pods. Except for seeds (p > 0.05), the frequency of occurrence of fungi differed significantly between surface sterilized and unsterilized tissues (p < 0.001 to p < 0.05).

This study provides a baseline data on fungal association with Sesbania bispinosa for future management of different Sesbania landraces for the benefit of agriculture and animal husbandry.

Citation key 
Anita et al., 2009