Smith et al., 2004. Proceedings of the third DFID Livestock Production Programme Link Project (R7798) workshop for small ruminant keepers. Izaak Walton Inn, Embu, Kenya, 4-7 February 2003. Natural Resources International Ltd, Aylesford, Kent, UK
Document reference
Smith, T. ; Godfrey, S. H. ; Buttery, P. J. ; Owen, E., 2004. The contribution of small ruminants in alleviating poverty: communicating messages from research. Proceedings of the third DFID Livestock Production Programme Link Project (R7798) workshop for small ruminant keepers. Izaak Walton Inn, Embu, Kenya, 4-7 February 2003. Natural Resources International Ltd, Aylesford, Kent, UK
Citation key
Smith et al., 2004