Matlebyane et al., 2010. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 22 (3)
Two semi-structured questionnaires administered to farmers investigated indigenous knowledge (IK) ranking of available browsers and grass species and some shrubs used in medicinal and ethno-veterinary practices in ruminant livestock production in three chief areas of the Capricorn region, Limpopo province, South Africa. The first semi-structured questionnaire guide was administered to rank of 12 forages (browse and grasses species) in three chief areas namely Ga-Mphahlele; Ga-Dikgale andMoletjie. The twelve forage species were six browses (Acacia Karroo, Acacia rehmanniana; Dichrostachys cinerea;Ziziphus mucronata, Peltophorum Africana, and Vangueria cyanoses) and 6 grasses (Cynodon dactylon, Panicum maximum, Hyperthelia dissoluta, Themeda triandra, Digitaria eriantha and Aristida congesta) were ranked in terms of texture of leaves, preference/palatability (voluntary intake) and animal performance (cattle, goats and sheep). Among the browse species, Acacia karroo ranked highest while Peltophorum africanum ranked lowest, while Panicum maximum amongthe grass species ranked highest; and Hyperthelia dissoluta and Aristida congesta were lowest.Information obtained in this study demonstrated that there seems to be relationship between indigenous knowledge rankings of available grass and browse species in texture of leaves, preference/ palatability (voluntary intake) and performance of animal for growth, and other physiological functions them.The second semi-structured questionnaire guide administered to twenty 27 ruminant livestock farmers was to identify and match some shrubs and trees with the type of ailments they prevent or cure in medicinal and ethno-veterinary practices. The farmers provided information and matched the shrubs and trees to different ailments they can be prevent or cure when applied to ruminant animals in medicinal and ethno-veterinary practices at the on-farm level.Indigenous and scientific knowledge on available forage resources eaten and used for medicinal and ethno-veterinary practices should complement each other to reduce constraints on livestock production in Limpopo province, South Africa.