Assis et al., 2004. Rev. Bras. Zootec., 33 (1): 242-250
Twelve milking cows, purebred and crossbred Holstein, with average weight of 550 kg, were allotted to three LatinSquares 4 x 4. The experimental period lasted 18 days, seven days for the adaptation to the diets and eleven days for data collection.Feeding was supplied to met the requirements of non pregnant cows, producing 20 kg of milk with 4.5% fat. This work aimed to evaluatethe effects of replacement (0, 33, 67, 100%) of corn meal by pelleted citrus pulp in the concentrate in total mixed rations, on nutrientsintake, milk production and composition and weight variation. The treatments did not differ for milk production and composition withor without correction for 4% fat, fat content, protein, total dry extract, degreased dry extract. The nutrients intake was not affected bylevel of replacement of corn meal by citrus pulp. However, the ether extract intake decreased 0.47 g for each 1% increase in citrus pulpin the concentrate. The citrus pulp can replace up to 100% of the corn in total mixed rations for lactating cows.