Benedetti, 1999. In: Anais do Workshop Internacional de Milheto, Planaltina, Brazil, 9-10 June 1999: 105-108 (Eds:Farias Neto, A. L. de; Amabile, R. F.; Netto, D. A. M.; Yamashita, T.; Gocho, H.)
Document reference
Benedetti, E., 1999. Use of pearl millet as an alternative source for milk production to pasture. In: Anais do Workshop Internacional de Milheto, Planaltina, Brazil, 9-10 June 1999: 105-108 (Eds:Farias Neto, A. L. de; Amabile, R. F.; Netto, D. A. M.; Yamashita, T.; Gocho, H.)
Citation key
Benedetti, 1999