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Oluremi et al., 2007. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 20 (4)

Document reference 
Oluremi, O. I. A. ; Ngi, J. ; Andrew, I. A., 2007. Phytonutrients in citrus fruit peel meal and nutritional implication for livestock production. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 20 (4)

The peels of four varieties of citrus fruits namely Citrus sinensis (Washington), Citrus sinensis (Ibadan), Citrus limonum and Citrus aurantifolia were sun-dried and milled to obtain citrus fruit peel meal (CFPM). The CFPM of each variety was subjected to phytochemical screening to detect the presence of phytonutrients.Phytochemical screening showed that each of the peels contained tannin, saponin, phytate, oxalate, flavonoids and limonene. Whereas, the variation of each of these phytonutrients between the peel meals was significantly different (p<0.01) except for tannin (p>0.05), they were at low concentrations and below the levels reported in literature to be toxic to livestock species.Animal studies are however recommended to determine at what level limonene becomes toxic to farm animals.

Citation key 
Oluremi et al., 2007