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Sharma et al., 1998. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 11 (4): 344-350

Document reference 
Sharma, K. ; Saini, A. L. ; Nawab, Singh; Ogra, J. L., 1998. Feeding behaviour and forage nutrient utilization by goats on a semi-arid reconstituted silvipasture. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 11 (4): 344-350

Seasonal variations in the feeding behaviour of Jamunapari and Barbari goat breeds and their utilization cf browse and grass nutrients was evaluated in a promising 3-tier (Leucaena leucocephala- Dichrostachys nutans - Cenchrus ciliaris) reconstituted pasture during summer, rainy and winter season of the years 1987 and 1988. Distinct diurnal pattern of feeding was observed with both the breeds. Jamunapari goals spent signiticantly more time foraging during winter season (352.0 min) followed by summer (306.0 min) and least in rainy season (277.0 min). Though no significant difference was observed in the relative time spent by Barbari goals on grazing activities during summer and winter season, they spent significantly more (p <0.05) time during rainy season as compared to other two seasons. The preference of grazing goals for certain plant species in relation to others was evident with distinct seasonal and breed variations. DM intake (g/kg BW0,75) varied significantly (p < 0.05) from season to season. Among the browse. L. leucocephala was prefered over D. nutans irrespective of breed over the seasons. There was no breed difference in DM intake, or proximate composition and nutrient digestibility of ingested herbage. The available nutrient content of ingested forage was found sufficient to meet the nutrient requirements of aduk goats for maintenance (NRC, 1981). The reconstituted 3-tier pasture dominated by plant species like L. leucocephala and Cenchrus species appear to have great potential to sustain the nutrient requirement of goats without adverse seasonal fluctuations in pasture quality. 


Citation key 
Sharma et al., 1998