Bauer et al., 1998. Rev. Bras. Zootec., 27 (1): 1-8
Composicao botanica da dieta de bovinos nos relevos concavo e convexo, em pastagem natural de Vicosa-MG
A study on concave and convex reliefs of a natural pasture in Vicosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in July-September 1994 (dry season) and December 1994-February 1995 (rainy season) showed that the botanical composition of the diet of cattle was similar between reliefs, with Melinis minutiflora being the principal component of the diet. Andropogon bicornis was selected more on the concave than the convex site, while Paspalum notatum was selected more on the convex site. M. minutiflora was selected more in the rainy than the dry season, while A. bicornis and Imperata brasiliensis were selected more in the dry season.