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Vilela et al., 1978. Rev. Bras. Zootec., 7 (2): 208-219

Document reference 
Vilela, H. ; Oliveira, S. ; Garcia, A. B. ; Vilela, E., 1978. Liveweight production of Zebu steers and carrying capacity of natural and improved pastures established on dystrophic lithosol (Campo-Limpo phase). Rev. Bras. Zootec., 7 (2): 208-219
Alternative title 

Rendimento em peso vivo de novilhos azebuados e capacidade de suporte de pastagens natural e melhorada estabelecidas em litossol distrofico (fase Campo-Limpo)


In a trial at Dores do Indaia, Minas Gerais, Brazil which started in June 1976 and lasted for 364 days, the experimental area consisted mainly of mature grasses which included Andropogon paniculatum, Aristida pallens, Aristida setifolia and Paspalum urvillei. Improvement of the natural pastures included application of P and sowing of Stylosanthes guyanensis cv. Endeavour and Melinis minutiflora in furrows 1 m apart. 18 Zebu steers were used and the stocking rate was adjusted to herbage availability. Improvement of the natural pastures influenced the botanical composition and nutritive value of the herbage. Compared with the unimproved pasture, the improved natural pasture gave a liveweight gain/ha about 3.91-fold higher and av. daily gain 2.19-fold higher.

Citation key 
Vilela et al., 1978