Costa et al., 1981. Rev. Bras. Zootec., 10 (4): 765-784
Efeito da epoca de vedacao sobre o valor nutritivo do capim-gordura (Melinis minutiflora Pal de Beauv) como pasto de reserva para o periodo da seca
Grazing of molasses grass pastures was stopped on 1 Dec., 15 Jan. or 1 March. Herbage samples were taken during June and Sept. (dry season) and were used in digestibility trials on penned sheep. DM production ranged from 4 t/ha in pasture closed on 1 March and cut on 15 June to 10.6 t when closed on 1 Dec. and cut on 10 Sept. Low quality forage obtained during the dry season was well below maintenance requirements for sheep and calves with 1401-2060 Kcal DE/kg DM and 0.58-2.18% DCP. DM production was higher in pastures closed in Dec. and Jan. but the pasture closed in March produced forage with better DDM, DCP and DE. Sheep forage consumption from the pasture closed in March and sampled in Sept. was higher than from the other pastures.