Ho et al., 1994. In: Sustainable animal production and the environment (Djajanegara, A.; Sukmawati, A. eds). Proc. 7th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Bali, Indonesia, 11-16 July, 1994. Vol. 3: poster papers, 63-64
Document reference
Ho, Y. W. ; Theodorou, M. ; Brooks, A. E. ; Abdullah, N. ; Jalaludin, S., 1994. Fermentability of some tropical feedstuffs for ruminants as determined by the pressure transducer gas production technique. In: Sustainable animal production and the environment (Djajanegara, A.; Sukmawati, A. eds). Proc. 7th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Bali, Indonesia, 11-16 July, 1994. Vol. 3: poster papers, 63-64
Citation key
Ho et al., 1994