Chin, 2001. In: Moog, F. A.; Reynolds, S. G.; Maaruf, K., 7th Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Grazing and Feed Resources Forage Development in Southeast Asia: Strategies and Impacts, July 2-7, 2001, Manado. FAO-University of Sam Rapulangi, Ind
Document reference
Chin, F. Y., 2001. Palm Kernel Cake (PKC) as a supplement for fattening and dairy cattle in Malaysia. In: Moog, F. A.; Reynolds, S. G.; Maaruf, K., 7th Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Grazing and Feed Resources Forage Development in Southeast Asia: Strategies and Impacts, July 2-7, 2001, Manado. FAO-University of Sam Rapulangi, Indonesia
Citation key
Chin, 2001