Kpodekon et al., 2009. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 21 (6): 92
Substitution du tourteau de palmiste par le tourteau de tournesol dans l'alimentation des lapins a l'engraissement
The substitution of palm kernel cake by sunflower seed cake was carried out in CECURI during 56 days on 96 young rabbits aged 32.5 days. The rabbits were distributed in two groups: the first was fed with a diet containing palm kernel cake and the second group fed with a diet containing sunflower seed cake. The weight performances of the two groups of young rabbits were similar ( P>0.05). The diet containing sunflower seed cake had a higher consumption ( P<0.05) and resulted in a higher feed efficiency ( P<0.01). The diet with palm kernel cake resulted in a profit of 75.3 FCFA per rabbit compared to sunflower cake diet. However, sunflower cake can still be utilized in absence of the palm kernel cake.