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Islam et al., 1995. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 8 (2): 107-111

Document reference 
Islam, M. ; Sarker, N. R. ; Islam, M. M., 1995. Effect of feeding legume forage with straw supplementation on milk production at Pabna milk shed area. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 8 (2): 107-111

In an experiment made at the Pabna milkshed area under Bathan condition, Bangladesh, lactating cows were fed to appetite on a herbage mixture containing black gram (Vigna mungo) and grass pea (Lathyrus sativus) without or with fresh straw 2.5 kg/cow daily. Each cow was given concentrate, 4 kg/day, containing wheat bran, coconut oilmeal, til (sesame) oilmeal, kheshari (lathyrus) bran and NaCl. With and without straw, average daily intake of DM and green feed was 11.83 and 11.55 kg, and 37.39 and 49.62, respectively. Average daily milk yield was 8.64 and 7.74 litres. 

Citation key 
Islam et al., 1995