Crespi et al., 1992. Rev. Bras. Zootec., 21 (1): 23-27
Uso do feno de soja perene (Neonotonia wightii) como fonte de fibra e proteina na alimentacao de coelhos em crescimento
From about 42 days old, 25 male New Zealand White X Californian rabbits were given a diet with soyabean oilmeal 10.10, ground maize 36.10, wheat meal 12.00, lucerne meal 38.00, bone meal 1.25, oyster shell meal 0.55, molasses 1.30, salt 0.50 and vitamin-mineral mixture 0.20% or with 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the lucerne meal replaced by Neonotonia wightii hay. When the rabbits were killed at 74 days old there was no significant difference among groups in daily weight gain (37.12, 39.00, 40.56, 40.25 and 41.50 g), feed conversion (2.83, 2.66, 2.72, 2.81 and 2.79), and carcass yield (62.12, 61.90, 61.54, 61.20 and 61.95%).