Liu Jian Ping et al., 2001. In: Howeler, R.H.; Tan, S. L. (Eds). Cassava's potential in Asia in the 21th century: present situation and future research and development needs. Proc. 6th Regional Workshop, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, February 21-25, 2000
Document reference
Liu Jian Ping; Zhuang Zhong Tang, 2001. The use of dry cassava roots and silage from leaves for pig feeding in Yunnan province of China. In: Howeler, R.H.; Tan, S. L. (Eds). Cassava's potential in Asia in the 21th century: present situation and future research and development needs. Proc. 6th Regional Workshop, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, February 21-25, 2000
Citation key
Liu Jian Ping et al., 2001