We were saddened to learn of the death of Prof. Dr. Rainer Schultze-Kraft this year. Born in Germany in 1941, Rainer studied agronomy and earned his PhD in Justus Liebig University, Giessen (Germany). In 1973, he started working at CIAT where he helped to set up CIAT's genetic resources unit and collected more than 20,000 accessions of tropical forage legumes adapted to hot, arid areas with poor, acid soils.
The workshop Food and Feed for the Future took place in Lyon, France, on 1 September 2023. It was organized by INRAE, AFZ and CSIRO and sponsored by the OECD Co-operative Research Programme "Sustainable agricultural and food systems".
Click on the link below to download the proceedings (free)
Click on the link below to register for accessing other materials of the workshop (free for AFZ members)
As a reader of Feedipedia, you are probably concerned about the future of food and feed. And you are probably wondering how it will be possible to produce enough food and feed for everyone in the context of climate change. We are glad to announce "Food and Feed for the Future", an international workshop sponsored by the OECD Co-operative Research Programme "Sustainable agricultural and food systems" to be held in Lyon (France), on September 1st. Early bird rates and deadline for abstracts submissions: June 15th. Register here :
If you are a Feedipedia reader, you know that improving feeding is key to successful livestock farming.
In a recent blog post, our colleague Alan Duncan from ILRI also explains why livestock feeding is so important and how the FEAST tool helps farmers to optimize livestock feeding.
Read the post here:
Feed challenges and issues might be solved through sustainable thinking, says Harinder Makkar in a recent interview (PDF) with Zahrah Imtiaz from Asian AgriBiz, provider of information and market intelligence for the animal protein community throughout Asia.
FAO report on The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2021 is now available. It presents the first global assessment of food insecurity and malnutrition for 2020. Hunger will not be eradicated by 2030 unless bold actions are taken to accelerate progress, especially actions to address inequality in access to food. Gender inequality being one main driver with prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity being 10 percent higher among women than men in 2020, compared to 6 percent in 2019. The report highlights the need for a deeper reflection on how to better address the global food security and nutrition situation.
Eight years ago, in November 2012, Feedipedia, the worldwide open access encyclopedia of feeds for farm animals, was launched and the audience began to be monitored.
- 447 datasheets have been written and updated
- 18205 literature references have been used to write these datasheets
- 1638 images have been collected or created
- 2.9 million raw data on more than 100 parameters have been used to calculate 1100 brand new feed tables
Robin Crawshaw, one of the most cited author in Feedipedia, recently published a new opus about "Co-products feeds in Europe: Animal feeds derived from industrial processing".
In these times of increasing awareness about circular economy/industrial ecology, this book which focuses on the feeds derived from industrial processing points out the many benefits that farmers, industry and the society can find in using such products.
Feedipedia will be featured during the 2nd Advancia Academy seminar "Variability: The nutritionist’s nightmare" organized by Pierre-André Geraert (Adisseo) on 9 and 10 June 2019 in Gdansk, Poland. Gilles Tran (AFZ) will present the first communication, "Raw materials: it's all about variation", based on the knowledge and expertise developed for Feedipedia.
Worldwide, 86% of feeds used for livestock animal productions are not edible to humans and thus not competing with food. This is part of the conclusions of a study by Mottet et al., 2017
Could you take 5 minutes to answer a worldwide survey about rabbit meat consumption? Encourage anyone you know to fill in the questionnaire by December 30 in support of the successful completion of the research. The survey is voluntary, anonymous and available in many languages.