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Nguyen Quang Suc et al., 1995. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 7 (2)

Document reference 
Nguyen Quang Suc; Dinh Van Binh; Le Viet Ly; Preston, T. R., 1995. Studies on the use of dried pressed sugar cane stalk and fresh peeled sugar cane stalk for rabbits. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 7 (2)

Experiments were made with lactating rabbits using (i) ensiled groundnut tops or dried pressed cane stalk, as a substitute for hay, and (ii) the fresh peeled sugar cane stalk, supplemented with toasted soybean seed and Canada bean foliage, as the basal diet replacing concentrate and grass. The peeled cane stalk diet was also used for fattening rabbits (iii).

Ensiled groundnut foliage gave the best reproductive performance and pressed sugar cane stalk was superior to dried pangola grass. There was an indication of greater loss of body weight during lactation and of slightly lower weights of the offspring at birth and at 21 days for the treatment in which the does were given the peeled sugar cane. However, costs were considerably less since fewer purchased inputs were needed.

Liveweight gain was 56% higher and feed conversion tended to be improved for the growing rabbits given the peeled sugar cane stalk supplemented with soya bean seed and Canada bean foliage compared to the concentrate fed control group.

Citation key 
Nguyen Quang Suc et al., 1995