Mahecha et al., 2007. Livest. Res. Rur. Dev. , 19 (2): 19016
Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) Gray (boton de oro) como suplemento forrajero de vacas F1 (Holstein por Cebu)
The milk production of Holstein-Friesian * zebu cows supplemented with forage of Tithonia diversifolia as partial replacement of concentrate was evaluated in a 3*3 Latin square arrangement. The treatments were TD0, grazing + 100% concentrate (3 kg DM/animal/day); TD25, grazing + 75% of concentrate (2.3 kg DM/animal/day) + 25% Tithonia diversifolia foliage (4 kg forage/animal/day) and TD35, grazing + 65% concentrate (2.0 kg DM/animal/day) + 35% Tithonia diversifolia (5.6 kg forage/animal/day). The trial was repeated two times: the first time only milk yield was measured, while in the second yield and composition were determined. Three groups of animals were used with three cows each. Milk yield was 12.5, 12.4 and 12.4 and 11.7, 12.0 and 12.2 litres/animal/day in trials 1 and 2, respectively. In conclusion, Tithonia diversifolia is a promising protein-rich forage for feeding ruminants.