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Dinh Van Binh et al., 1991. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 3 (2): 13-16

Document reference 
Dinh Van Binh; Bui Van Chinh; Preston, T. R., 1991. Molasses urea blocks as supplements for rabbits. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 3 (2): 13-16

A series of experiments were carried out to investigate the feasibility of replacing the traditional concentrate supplement in rabbit diets with multinutritional blocks based on molasses, cassava byproducts and up to 4% urea. The results showed that multinutritional blocks based on molasses can be fed successfully as a partial substitute for cereal-based concentrates in diets for rabbits during all phases of production. No conclusions can be drawn about the usefulness of including urea in the blocks, other than that it does not seem to be harmful.

Citation key 
Dinh Van Binh et al., 1991