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Omole et al., 2004. Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 16 (12)

Document reference 
Omole, A. J. ; Ayodeji, I. O. ; Raji, M. A., 2004. The potential of mango, plantain, cocoyam and pawpaw as diets for growing snails (Archachatina marginata). Livest. Res. Rural Dev., 16 (12)

90 growing snails (Archachatina marginata) of mean weight 64.3 ± 2.56g were used to investigate the nutritive potential of the peels of mango, plantain, cocoyam and pawpaw. Fresh pawpaw leaf served as the control. The study lasted 180 days. The peels of the different fruits had similar composition but were considerable lower in DM, crude protein and ash content compared with the pawpaw leaves. Growth performance was adequate on all the fruit peels but was best with ripe pawpaw peel, which gave results comparable to the control diet of pawpaw leaves. It is concluded that all the the peels were suitable for feeding as the sole diet of snails.

Citation key 
Omole et al., 2004