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Devendra, 1988. Proceedings of a Consultation held in Hisar, India, 21-29 March 1988, IDRC, ICAR

Document reference 
Devendra, C., 1988. Non-conventional feed resources and fibrous agricultural residues. Strategies for expanded utilization. Proceedings of a Consultation held in Hisar, India, 21-29 March 1988, IDRC, ICAR
Document description 

This publication focuses on expanding the utilization of nonconventional feeds and fibrous agricultural residues in South Asia (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The availability of the total feed resources and present patterns of utilization by livestock are discussed in the context of the opportunities for expanding development efforts, especially at the farm level in the future.

Document cover 
Devendra, 1988. Proceedings of a Consultation held in Hisar, India, 21-29 March 1988, IDRC, ICAR
Citation key 
Devendra, 1988
Document category