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Name Definition

A chemical element (symbol Mg). Magnesium is usually a macro mineral in biological materials.


A chemical element (symbol Mn). Usually a trace elements in biological materials.

ME ruminants

Metabolizable energy for ruminants. Difference between the gross energy in the feed and the gross energy in the faeces, urines and gasses, not corrected for N retention.

ME ruminants (FAO, 1982)

Metabolizable energy predicted by the equations proposed by FAO in the book Tropical feeds. These values are provided until their replacement by newer ones.

ME ruminants (gas production)

Metabolizable energy for ruminants estimated from the volume of gas produced after 24 hour of incubation (GP, ml/200mg DM) and the proportion of crude protein (CP, % DM) as established by Menke and Steingass (1988): ME (MJ/kg DM) = 2.2 + 0.1357 GP + 0.0057 CP + 0.0002859 CP2

MEn growing pig

Metabolizable energy, N-corrected, for growing pigs. Difference between the gross energy in the feed and the gross energy in the faeces, urines and gasses, corrected for a N balance of 0.

MEn rabbit

Apparent metabolizable energy for rabbits, corrected for a nitrogen balance of 0. This value is obtained by equation from the digestible energy (DE) and digestible crude protein (DCP):  MEn (MJ/kg DM) = 0.995 DE (MJ/kg DM) -0.048 DCP (% DM)  (Perez et al., 1998)


A sulphur amino acid. Usually abbreviated as MET.