Animal feed resources information system

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Name Definition

Organic matter. Difference between dry matter and ash (mineral content).

OM digestibility, pepsin

Organic matter digestibility estimated by an in vitro method using pepsin, such as the one developed by Tilley and Terry (1963), which involves rumen liquor and pepsin.

OM digestibility, pepsin-cellulase

Organic matter digestibility estimated by an in vitro method combining pepsin and a cellulase enzyme.

OM digestibility, ruminants

Organic matter digestibility for ruminants, calculated as percentage of digestible (total tract) organic matter in the organic matter of the feed.

OM digestibility, ruminants (gas production)

Organic matter digestibility for ruminants estimated from the volume of gas produced after 24 hour of incubation (GP, ml/200mg DM) and the proportion of crude protein (CP, % DM) as established by Menke and Steingass (1988): OMD (%) = 24.91 + 0.72222 GP + 0.0815 CP

Organic matter

Difference between dry matter and ash (mineral content).


Oxalate, salt of oxalic acid, found in many plants. Oxalate crystals may cause problems, either by mechanical action or because they retain calcium in a non available form.