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Horn and hoof meal

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This datasheet is pending revision and updating; its contents are currently derived from FAO's Animal Feed Resources Information System (1991-2002) and from Bo Göhl's Tropical Feeds (1976-1982).


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Common names 
Horn and hoof meal, hoof and horn meal
Related feed(s) 
Horns and hooves of animals, particularly ruminants.
The horns and hoofs are treated separately. The hoofs are soaked in water until they become spongy and can be freed from the bones, after which they are spread out in the sun to dry. The horns are cured in the sun until the horn pith is completely dried and can be removed by hammering. The horns and hoofs together are put into an autoclave (digester) and steam cooked for seven hours at 100-112° C. The material is then dried and finely ground.
Nutritional aspects
Nutritional attributes 
The digestibility of horn and hoof meal has been shown to increase progressively as it is ground finer. It seems to be unpalatable to most classes of livestock. A high digestibility, about 80 % for the crude protein, has been reported for horn and hoof meal prepared by steeping the hoofs and horns in 10 % sodium carbonate for sixty hours at 20°C, after which the material was boiled in water for one hour and dried at a high temperature until it turned golden yellow.
It has been used a low levels in poultry diets with variable results.
Nutritional tables
Tables of chemical composition and nutritional value 

Avg: average or predicted value; SD: standard deviation; Min: minimum value; Max: maximum value; Nb: number of values (samples) used

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This datasheet is pending revision and updating; its contents are currently derived from FAO's Animal Feed Resources Information System (1991-2002) and from Bo Göhl's Tropical Feeds (1976-1982).

Main analysis Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
Dry matter % as fed 89.6 1
Crude protein % DM 93.3 4.1 88.6 96.3 3
Crude fibre % DM 0.0 1
Ether extract % DM 4.7 1
Ash % DM 5.6 1
Gross energy MJ/kg DM 23.1 *
Minerals Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
Calcium g/kg DM 8.0 1
Phosphorus g/kg DM 7.3 1
Amino acids Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
Alanine % protein 5.1 4.9 5.2 2
Arginine % protein 9.8 9.8 9.9 2
Aspartic acid % protein 7.9 7.7 8.1 2
Cystine % protein 1.0 0.9 1.1 2
Glutamic acid % protein 16.4 16.1 16.7 2
Glycine % protein 6.9 6.8 6.9 2
Histidine % protein 1.2 1.1 1.2 2
Isoleucine % protein 4.1 4.1 4.2 2
Leucine % protein 9.1 9.0 9.2 2
Lysine % protein 4.8 4.6 4.9 2
Methionine % protein 2.2 2.1 2.3 2
Phenylalanine % protein 3.4 3.3 3.6 2
Proline % protein 6.1 5.9 6.2 2
Serine % protein 7.0 7.0 7.0 2
Threonine % protein 4.8 4.8 4.9 2
Tyrosine % protein 4.6 4.5 4.8 2
Valine % protein 5.7 5.6 5.8 2
Pig nutritive values Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
Energy digestibility, growing pig % 90.1 *
DE growing pig MJ/kg DM 20.8 *

The asterisk * indicates that the average value was obtained by an equation.


AFZ, 2011; Qureshi et al., 1962

Last updated on 24/10/2012 00:43:57

Main analysis Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
Dry matter % as fed 38.6 1
Crude protein % DM 69.5 1
Crude fibre % DM 0.0 1
Ether extract % DM 14.7 1
Ash % DM 15.8 1
Gross energy MJ/kg DM 21.9 *
Minerals Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
Calcium g/kg DM 21.0 1
Phosphorus g/kg DM 87.5 1
Pig nutritive values Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
Energy digestibility, growing pig % 90.1 *
DE growing pig MJ/kg DM 19.7 *

The asterisk * indicates that the average value was obtained by an equation.


Obradovic, 1969

Last updated on 24/10/2012 00:44:26

Datasheet citation 

DATASHEET UNDER CONSTRUCTION. DO NOT QUOTE. https://feedipedia.org/node/216 Last updated on March 16, 2010, 17:13

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