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Sugar beet tops

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This datasheet is pending revision and updating; its contents are currently derived from FAO's Animal Feed Resources Information System (1991-2002) and from Bo Göhl's Tropical Feeds (1976-1982).


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Common names 
Betterave, beet, remolacha. For sugar production : sugar beet
Fodder beets : mangold, mangel
Related feed(s) 
When sugar beet is harvested for sugar production, the leaves and the crown are cut off. The crown is rich in sugar but contains substances which interfere with the recovery of sugar from the juice.
Nutritional aspects
Potential constraints 
Caution is necessary as they may cause scouring because of their oxalic acid content and contamination by soil. As oxalic acid binds the calcium in the diet, extra calcium has to be supplied. The laxative effect of beet tops is not so pronounced in beet-top silage
Wilted leaves and crowns can be fed to cattle and sheep, which relish them. However, due to the presence of oxalic acid, no more than 10 kg per day should be fed to cattle, and they should be mixed with hay.
Beet tops are easily ensiled both in trench silos and in stacks above the ground. No more than 15 kg should be fed each day to cattle, and no more than 2 kg to sheep. The best results are obtained if the beet-top silage is fed together with lucerne hay. The ensiling of beet tops produces large amounts of seepage water (about 200 litres/ton) during the first few weeks; therefore, good drainage has to be provided.
Due to the presence of oxalic acid, beet tops can be dangerous to pigs.
Nutritional tables

Avg: average or predicted value; SD: standard deviation; Min: minimum value; Max: maximum value; Nb: number of values (samples) used

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This datasheet is pending revision and updating; its contents are currently derived from FAO's Animal Feed Resources Information System (1991-2002) and from Bo Göhl's Tropical Feeds (1976-1982).

Main analysis Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
Dry matter % as fed 27.9 25.3 30.4 2
Crude protein % DM 11.6 4.7 8.8 17.0 3
Crude fibre % DM 10.9 10.3 11.4 2
NDF % DM 34.7 34.5 34.8 2
ADF % DM 21.0 18.0 23.9 2
Lignin % DM 5.5 4.6 6.4 2
Ether extract % DM 1.3 0.9 1.6 2
Ash % DM 14.1 5.1 23.1 2
Gross energy MJ/kg DM 16.1 *
Ruminant nutritive values Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
OM digestibility, Ruminant % 76.3 1
Energy digestibility, ruminants % 71.1 *
DE ruminants MJ/kg DM 11.4 *
ME ruminants MJ/kg DM 9.4 *
Nitrogen digestibility, ruminants % 64.0 1
Pig nutritive values Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
Energy digestibility, growing pig % 73.1 *
DE growing pig MJ/kg DM 11.8 *

The asterisk * indicates that the average value was obtained by an equation.


Aufrère et al., 1988; Neumark, 1970; Rule et al., 1991

Last updated on 24/10/2012 00:43:46

Main analysis Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
Dry matter % as fed 11.5 1
Crude protein % DM 17.7 1
Crude fibre % DM 15.5 1
Ether extract % DM 3.0 1
Ash % DM 16.0 1
Gross energy MJ/kg DM 16.7 *
Minerals Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
Calcium g/kg DM 14.8 1
Phosphorus g/kg DM 1.9 1

The asterisk * indicates that the average value was obtained by an equation.


Vargas et al., 1965

Last updated on 24/10/2012 00:43:44

Main analysis Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
Dry matter % as fed 17.9 13.4 22.3 2
Crude protein % DM 16.7 1.4 15.2 17.9 3
Crude fibre % DM 12.3 4.1 7.6 14.8 3
Ether extract % DM 4.5 2.8 6.2 2
Ash % DM 22.4 6.0 17.9 29.2 3
Gross energy MJ/kg DM 15.6 *
Minerals Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
Calcium g/kg DM 11.0 2.3 19.6 2
Phosphorus g/kg DM 3.7 3.4 4.0 2
Amino acids Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
Arginine % protein 5.3 4.1 6.5 2
Cystine % protein 0.3 1
Histidine % protein 1.7 1.3 2.0 2
Isoleucine % protein 6.2 4.2 8.2 2
Leucine % protein 6.8 6.4 7.2 2
Lysine % protein 5.8 5.4 6.2 2
Methionine % protein 1.5 1.3 1.7 2
Phenylalanine % protein 6.0 5.8 6.1 2
Threonine % protein 4.2 3.8 4.6 2
Tryptophan % protein 0.7 0.2 1.2 2
Valine % protein 5.6 5.1 6.1 2

The asterisk * indicates that the average value was obtained by an equation.


Alibes et al., 1990; Kelley et al., 1953; Patel, 1966; Schuphan, 1958; Vargas et al., 1965

Last updated on 24/10/2012 00:43:45

Main analysis Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
Dry matter % as fed 21.9 1
Crude protein % DM 10.6 1
Crude fibre % DM 14.2 1
Ether extract % DM 5.8 1
Ash % DM 22.8 1
Gross energy MJ/kg DM 15.7 *
Ruminant nutritive values Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
ME ruminants (FAO, 1982) MJ/kg DM 9.2 1
Nitrogen digestibility, ruminants % 62.5 1

The asterisk * indicates that the average value was obtained by an equation.


Vargas et al., 1965; Woodman, 1945

Last updated on 24/10/2012 00:43:46

Main analysis Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
Dry matter % as fed 86.7 4.8 80.1 91.4 4
Crude protein % DM 13.9 2.2 10.4 16.4 5
Crude fibre % DM 15.2 3.4 9.2 17.4 5
NDF % DM 47.2 1
ADF % DM 25.1 1
Lignin % DM 74.1 1
Ether extract % DM 1.1 1
Ash % DM 20.5 8.0 6.9 26.8 5
Gross energy MJ/kg DM 15.2 *
Ruminant nutritive values Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
OM digestibility, Ruminant % 75.7 1
Energy digestibility, ruminants % 69.4 *
DE ruminants MJ/kg DM 10.5 *
ME ruminants MJ/kg DM 8.5 *
Nitrogen digestibility, ruminants % 48.0 1
Pig nutritive values Unit Avg SD Min Max Nb
Energy digestibility, growing pig % 66.2 *
DE growing pig MJ/kg DM 10.1 *

The asterisk * indicates that the average value was obtained by an equation.


Ait Amar, 2005; IAV, 2009; Neumark, 1970

Last updated on 24/10/2012 00:43:45

Datasheet citation 

DATASHEET UNDER CONSTRUCTION. DO NOT QUOTE. https://feedipedia.org/node/709 Last updated on March 16, 2010, 17:13